- Crisis Intervention
- Children’s Mental Health Services
- National Hotlines
- Information & Referral
- Treatment Services
- Housing, Meals, and Assistance
- Other Support Agencies and Support Services
- Support Groups
- Advocacy Meetings
CRISIS TEXT LINE Text ‘mt’ to 741-741
Missoula County Mental Health Crisis 406-532-9710
Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Missoula County Suicide Prevention 406-253-2881
Missoula Suicide Prevention Network 406-258-3881
Children’s Mental Health Bureau: 406-329-1330
Services include assessment, individual and group therapy, case management, therapeutic foster and family care, therapeutic group homes, partial hospitalization and psychiatric residential treatment and acute patient services.
Aware: 406-543-2202
1055 W Sussex
Offers a full range of services including case management, group homes, therapeutic family care and out-patient services.
Consumer Direct Care Network Montana (formally Full Circle Counseling): 406-532-1615
100 Consumer Direct Way
Offers a full range of services including case management, outpatient services, therapeutic family care and therapeutic foster care.
Western MT Regional Mental Health Center (Child and Family Division): 406-532-9770
1305 Wyoming Street
Offers a full range of services for children and their families.
Sunburst Community Service Foundation: 406-203-9948
725 W Alder, Suite 10
Offers youth case management and adult mental health services. www.sunburstfoundation.org
Youth Dynamics: 406-728-9672
619 SW Higgin Ave, Unit E
Primarily serves youth with SED diagnosis, such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, or Reactive Attachment Disorder.
Families First Parenting Programs: 406-721-7690
227 W Front
Supports families of all backgrounds and life circumstances through parenting classes.
Friends to Youth: 406-728-2662
1515 E Broadway
Individual, family, and group counseling to youth and family.
Parents Let’s Unite for Kids (PLUK): 406-255-0540
Provides training information and advocacy on special education and disability topics to parents and educators.
National Runaway Safeline: 1-800-RUN-AWAY (1-800-786-2929)
National Graduate Student Crisis Line:1-800-GRAD-HELP (1-800-472-3457)
Teenline:– Teens Helping Teens – Every night 6pm-10pm PST 1-800-TLC-TEEN (1-800-852-8336)
The Trevor Project:– for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth – 1-866-488-7386
Montana 2-1-1
Free service that connects people with local resources that can meet their needs. Referrals can be obtained 24 hours a day.
Mental Health and Addiction Services
St. Patrick Hospital
Providence Center Neurobehavioral In-Patient Unit
902 N. Orange St.
Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Program (APHP)
Outpatient services for 12-18 year old having behavioral or emotional difficulties.
Providence Center, Level 2
902 N. Orange St.
Urgent Mental Health Clinic
Short term mental health care with same day or next day or appointments.
900 N. Orange, 1stfloor, Suite 102
Western Montana Addiction Services
Includes the ACT Program, Adolescent Outpatient, and Teen Recovery Center.
1325 Wyoming
Western Montana Mental Health Center
Programs include medication clinic, substance abuse treatment, case management, outpatient therapy for adults and children, Day Treatment services for adults, adolescents, and children, crisis intervention. Emergency services available 24 hours a day.
1315 Wyoming
406-532-9700 or 1-888-820-0083
Share House
Therapeutic group home for persons in recovery.
1335 Wyoming St.
Wellness Institute of Montana and Winds of Change Mental Health Center
Case Management, Community-Based Psychiatric and Rehabilitation Services
1120 Cedar St.
3 Rivers Mental Health Center
Adult Case Management and Outpatient therapy.
715 Kensington Suite 24B
Sunburst Community Service Foundation
Offers youth case management and adult mental health services.
725 W Alder, Suite 10
University of Montana
Counseling services.
634 Eddy, Curry Health Center
Vet Center
Provides counseling for veterans and their families.
910 Brooks St.
Warm Springs State Hospital
Inpatient psychiatric treatments for adults with serious mental illness.
Missoula Urban Indian Health Center
Offers intensive out-patient counseling and a chemical dependency program for Native Americans.
830 W Central
Missoula Aging Services
Professionally trained helpline operators answer questions on all aspects of senior citizen care, including mental health issues.
337 Stephens Ave
Partnership Health Center
Mental health counseling services for patients. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, and uninsured patients.
401 Railroad
Missoula Food Bank
1720 Wyoming St.
Missoula Housing Authority
1235 34thSt
Human Resource Council
Housing for low- and moderate-income families and helps with low-interest loans for home repairs and helps with down payments for qualified families.
1801 S Higgins
LIEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance Program)
Qualified households can get emergency heating assistance and/or energy conservation help.
Missoula County Office of Public Assistance
2677 Palmer St. Suite 100
Next Step Housing
1332 River Street
Poverello Center
110 W Broadway
Union Gospel Mission Day Center
Provides basic needs for the homeless and needy.
506 B, Toole Ave
Valor House
Offers transitional housing for Veterans.
2820 Great Northern Loop
YMCA Pathways 24-hour Crisis Hotline for domestic abuse.
Adult Protective Services 406-329-1315
Big Sky Rx Program Pharmaceutical Assistance 1-866-369-1233
Disability Rights Montana 1-800-245-4743
Mental Disabilities Board of Visitors 406-444-3955
Provides oversight for the established mental health agencies and State Hospital issues.
Montana Job Service 406-728-7060
Mental Health America of Montana 406-587-7774
Montana Mental Health Ombudsman 1-888-444-9669
Provides families and individuals information and advocacy for mental health services.
Montana Warm Line 1-877-688-3377
M-F 4-10 pm S-S 10am-10pm Non-crisis phone line staffed by mental health consumers, ready to listen.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) 406-880-1013
Non-Emergency Sheriff 406-258-4810
Police – Non-Emergency 406-523-4777 or 406-552-6300 (24 hours)
Partners for Reintegration PFR www.pfrmt.org
Salvation Army 406-549-0710
State Division of Addictive and Mental Disorders 406-444-3964
Social Security 1-866-931-9029
Summit Independent Living Center 406-728-1630
V.A. Outpatient Clinic 406–493-3700
Veterans Resource Center Nationwide 703-312-7893
Vets4Warriors (24 hour peer support) 1-855-838-8255
Vocational Rehabilitation 406-329-5400
Call for meeting times and locations. Visit websites for additional information.
Al-Anon & Alateen: (for family and friends of alcoholics) 406-721-5818, www.Al-AnonFamilyGroups.org
Alcoholics Anonymous: 406-543-0014, www.alcoholics-anonymous.org
Double Trouble in Recovery: Winds of Change 406-721-2038
12-step program for people with mental health and addiction issues.
Gamblers Anonymous: 406-549-9579, www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/content/missoula-ga
Learning Center at Red Willow: 406-721-0033, www.redwillowlearning.org
Missoula Adult Asperger Support Group: 406-241-8164
Narc Anon: www.narc-anon.org
Narcotics Anonymous: 1-800-990-6262, www.na.org
Recovery, International: 406-825-3063, www.recovery-international.org
Reformers Unanimous: 406-360-8428
Missoula County CIT: Crisis Intervention Team 406-258-4939
Missoula County Local Advisory Council: Meets the third Tuesday of the month at WMMHC River House from 2-330 pm.
Western Montana Service Area Authority: Meets the 4thThursday of the month at the Western Montana Mental Health Center Board Room 102.